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My Home Nature

Alocasia lauterbachiana

Alocasia lauterbachiana

Regular price $13.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.95 USD
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Alocasia lauterbachiana has slender, long, wavy spear-like leaves make the Lauterbachiana different from any other Elephant Ear.

Alocasia Lauterbachiana with its beautiful wavy leaves, the leaf stems and the underside of the leaves are colored red.

Daily care of Alocasia lauterbachiana

Light condition:

Partial shade

How to Water: 

Allow getting dry between watering

Product Size:         

8 - 10'' (10 - 15 cm)

Please click this link for information on how to acclimate the plant upon receipt.


For other Alocasia for sale, please refer to below link:

Rare alocasia Plants for Sale | Wide Selection - MyHomeNature | MyHomeNature


Please note that all plants we sell will be in bare roots. For all Alocasia sp., leaves become yellow and dry is natural due to the prolonged lack of water after a long-distance transit. As long as there is not root rot, plant it with well-draining soil, such as a mixture of coir fiber and perlite. New healthy green leaves will come out after a period of time. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before placing any orders. Thank you

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