1. Import requests fulfilled - You’ve fulfilled all requests that may be imposed by your local import authority or the courier in no delay, including provision of all infomration required and payment of any duty, fee or surcharge.
2. Correct Address and Contact Details of Recepient -We should have been provided with correct address and contact details including cell number and email. The shipment must be sent to the correct delivery address, and not forwarded to another address. P.O.Box is not acceptable as the shipping address.
3. First Delivery Attempt - The shipment must be received on the first delivery attempt, or be picked up the day of the first delivery attempt. If you miss the delivery and the package is delayed a day or more because of it, we will not accept responsibility for any losses. It is your responsibility to check the tracking number for delivery, even if courier does not leave a "pink slip" notifying you they tried to deliver the package.
4. Clear Photo and Unboxing Video Provided within 24 hours – If the product in issue is a plant or an animal, you need to send us a clear digital picture of the full plant or animal in issue with its name and a video explaining what’s going on within 24 hours upon receipt.
5. You care for the plant in the right way – we may ask you questions to make sure that you have followed our guide on how to take care of the creature upon transit.