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My Home Nature

Bilobum christiansenianum

Bilobum christiansenianum

Regular price $6.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.95 USD
Sale Sold out

-Conophytum christiansenianumis a robust caespitose plant, stemless or short stems develop with time.

-Conophytum christiansenianumis each molting is a new look.


-The margins are green to red or deep purple in colour. The epidermis is slightly velvety, it is whitish-green to glaucous-blue green.

Daily care of Conophytum christiansenianumis

Sunlight Demand: Full sun 
Flower Color: Golden yellow
How to water:  Allow getting dry between watering
Purchase Size: Approximately0.4-0.7'' 1-2cm)

Please click this link for information on how to acclimate the plant upon receipt.


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